Wednesday, January 2

Furaha Mwaka Mypa--a.k.a. Happy New Years!

 Happy New Years, 2013!
  Like with everything else, New Years Eve in Tanzania was unique!  Since the students are still on vacation, the campus was very quiet and it was actually a boring day as we thought about the football games and parades that we were missing!  (Not very "missionary-like" thoughts, but, doggone it, we really miss some things and football is one of them!!!)
  But the evening made up for the day as we went to worship on campus at 10 pm.  The service of course was in Swahili (which we still don't usually understand ), but at 11:55 pm when the church sang "How Great Thou Art"---it was very, very touching.  Suddenly, the Swahili words seemed to express my heart's feelings exactly and the disconnect of the language seemed to be insignificant.  This was followed by the traditional ringing of the chapel bells at midnight (and accompanied by a whole lot of hootin' and hollerin' from some very happy Tanzanians!).  At this point, Tim and I were back at home and in bed.  Our house is only a couple of houses away from the chapel and our windows are open 24/7 because of the mild temperatures, so we are in earshot of most everything.  It amazed me as we laid in bed and listened to all the simple celebrations--no firecrackers or sirens or loud explosions--just the jubilation of peoples' voices--people from the villages surrounding the campus--people who live in shanties, on rutted, dirt roads, lined with trash, wandering chickens, tethered goats, and kids in filthy clothes rolling a bicycle tire for their entertainment, and women selling their papayas, tomatoes, and bananas for meager Tz. shillings.   These people, whose only focus is to get through the day---to scrape together enough money, to get enough milk from their goat and eggs from their chicken to be able to feed their kids---the ones running around without shoes, and with snotty noses and flies at their eyes.   These are the very people, happily, excitedly celebrating the beginning of another year.  How can it be, I wondered, as I laid in a bed (not on the floor) with clean sheets, and a mosquito net, having taken a shower, and with a full stomach...How can it be?
   Well, we've been here 12 weeks---and I think I have more questions than before I came.  I don't know how these very poor, very basic people could muster so much enthusiasm and joy---but I know it touched my heart---and I suspect, it touched God's too.
   So, on that note, Tim and I wish each of you a most Blessed 2013.  And I suspect it can be for each of us, as we grow to realize that our happiness is obviously not found in our possessions. 
   With much love for each of you,          
      Tim & Diane

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