12 February, 2013
Dear Family & Friends--
We arrived safely home Sunday evening, and now I find myself sitting at the kitchen table, bundled up from Ohio's brisk chill outside, and reflecting---"What was it really all about---that Tanzania experience?" I suspect it's one of those questions that will take time to work through. But here are a few "first thoughts."
It was about surprises. From the time we arrived at Makumira until the time we left, we found ourselves being constantly "surprised!" We were surprised to discover that communication can be very complicated even when the participants are speaking the same English language (Tanzanian English vs. American English).
We were even told by our students when we first arrived that Tim & I "didn't have very good English!" (By the time we left last week, we were all thrilled with how well we had all managed to communicate and better yet--to understand each other!)
We were also surprised to learn that we had expectations that we didn't even realize we had...
---subtle things like expecting cars to use headlights when they're driven at night
---we didn't realize that we expected to eat rice without grit and tiny stones in it
---we did not expect so many absences from class due to family deaths
---we didn't expect to hear so much singing--from birds and students. Both were beautiful!
---we didn't expect so much genuine respect from the students. Nor did we ever expect to hear of such enormous sacrifices they make to become pastors.
---we didn't expect to be so much out of our comfort zone at times
--- we didn't expect to be so "stretched" in our thinking and understanding
---We didn't expect to fall in love--
with the students so much---people whose lives are vastly different from our own.
with each other--as we grew and shared the challenges, hardships, and rewards of following God's call,
and with God --whose creation and love far exceed our limited expectations.
So now, as we reconnect with precious family and friends, we find ourselves very grateful for God's protection and care. And we are also very grateful for your prayers and interest. We plan to return to Makumira in October and teach another semester. But until then, we are excited about getting together with you and getting "caught up."
As they say in Tanzania, " Mungu Akubarike"
God bless you,
Tim & Diane