Thursday, September 20, 2012
Dear Friends,
We are on the countdown to leave for Tanzania (Tz.) on Oct. 1st---so basically we have 10 days to go. Since I'm pretty inexperienced at writing a blog, I thought I'd better do a practice run while we're still home. This way I can get home-delivered help from my "technical assistant" (Jen Hermann) if I need it. And a huge "thank-you" to Jen for designing and putting together this blog. We really like the way it looks and are pretty excited about it!
As far as being ready, we still don't have our work permits but have been told "no problem." We're operating on Plan B now which is to purchase a tourist visa at the airport. Our challenge on this end is the packing. I guess the best way to look at it is that we are "blessed" to have a lot of things. That still leaves us with the "issue" of figuring out what goes and what doesn't--so Tim & I are negotiating.......item-by-item. You find out a lot of things you didn't know about each other this way, that's for sure.
We hope this finds each of you doing well. Please remember us and the students in your prayers.
Our next entry will be after we arrive in Arusha.